Our Team

  • Melissa Chang (she/her)

    Founder & Director

    Age: 17

    Melissa is a half-Taiwanese, half-Japanese high school student living in Tokyo, Japan. When she started volunteering for people with disabilities back in her freshman year of HS, she discovered the need for more disability advocates in Japan and in the rest of the world. Thus, she founded OrigPower and has been passionate about disability inclusion ever since. Along with creating equitable opportunities for people with disabilities, she is also very passionate about advocating against gender inequality and sexual violence. In her free time, she loves hanging out with friends and trying out new foods!

  • Mei Hung (she/her)

    Educational Resource Director

    Age: 22

    Academically, Mei holds a Bachelor’s of Arts & Science in Human Geography & City Studies from the University of Toronto Scarborough. She is a woman proud to have Cerebral Palsy. She is a passionate self-advocate for people with disabilities for communities & students. She aims to make a change and gain connections with people of all physical abilities/ages. You might see her planning her next vacation, next game night with her friends, or singing to any song on the radio.

  • Kirsten Soto (she/her)

    Educational Resource Director

    Age: 19

    Kirsten is a rising third-year undergrad student majoring in Psychology at the University of California, Riverside. She also identifies as a student with a disability, for she has a chronic illness. She believes visibility and understanding of the disabled community are needed to further increase equal opportunities. She hopes to shift your perspective surrounding those with disabilities and empower those in this community to achieve their goals. She believes that this community is capable of being productive, integral members of society.

  • Kate Mullin (she/her)


    Age: 19

    Kate Mullin is an undergraduate at the University of Alberta in Canada with a degree in Psychology & a minor in Gender and Religious studies. She is working towards becoming a counseling psychologist with the ability to use religion and advocacy as healing tools. Her dedication to advocacy comes from a personal place of thriving with a mental disability stemming from sexual violence. She understands the importance of using your voice, as it has been an important aspect of her own healing.

  • Elise Meng (she/her)

    Communication & Partnership Strategist

    Age: 23

    Elise is a multi-disciplinary digital native who has delivered successful creative solutions across cultural insights, market research, brand identity, content production, influencer marketing, community management, and social media strategy. Outside of work, Elise works with NGOs, NPOs, and other volunteer groups to lead seminars and activities around the causes she’s passionate about.

Want to be part of our team?

OrigPower is always looking to expand its team and create more incredible works with people of diverse backgrounds. Apply today and you won’t regret it.